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cybexer cyber range

Cyber Range

cybexer cyber range

CybExer develops and maintains some of the most capable cyber ranges on the market for on-premise and on-cloud deployment. Irrespective of the cyber range – be it our proprietary ranges or those developed for our clients – our development principles are focused on ensuring highly scalable, powerful and flexible ranges. It is our desire that there should be no limitations to the types of systems that can be simulated or the number of users that can access the platform simultaneously. While successful in achieving those qualities, we remain committed at providing innovative capabilities – whether it is through integration of special systems like 5G, SCADA and IoT or the deployment of automated Red Team attacks.

An integral part of our ranges is our automation and orchestration software vLab Manager which enables the deployment of thousands of virtual machines in a matter of hours. Not less important is our NATO-awarded exercise scoring and situational awareness tool, the Integrated Scoring and Awareness. The solution provides near real-time visualisation and comparison of exercise data. It overcomes one of the main challenges in conducting complex cybersecurity exercises: to know what is happening; which systems are under attack; how well Blue Teams are defending their systems; how do teams and participants compare to each other etc. Exercises are no longer black boxes but highly transparent and easy-to-follow events for both technical responders and senior management level.


Contact info

CybExer Technologies is a NATO-awarded cybersecurity company. We empower organisations in their fight against cyber threats by focusing on the human aspect of cybersecurity.

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